Integrate is an accountability group that offers a small group of artists and makers a focused space to make monthly plans for your practice or business.
And act on them.
Integrate helps get past feeling overwhelmed with all the things you ‘could’ and/or ‘should’ be doing. Nobody can do all the things – the trick is to identify the most effective steps for your circumstances and then focus on doing those things well.
Each month, participants work out their own personal plan, focusing on actions which are achievable for their particular situation in the coming weeks.
Sharing goals in a group creates mutual support. Being alongside other people’s month to month realities creates connection and breaks down the feeling that everybody else has it all figured out (hello Instagram).
The sessions were excellent, relaxed, non-judgmental and extremely useful for clarifying ideas in your own head.
Talking things through out loud makes things more real somehow and having a deadline to work to makes you more accountable to yourself.
Having a mix of disciplines also gives insight into different ways of working and let’s you realise everyone encounters similar problems and you’re not on your own.
In the Integrate Accountability Group you will:
- Meet on Zoom every month/four weeks – four meetings in total
- Start with a complimentary copy of my Align workbook to help you identify your priorities for the next quarter
- Share your overall plans with each other and commit to your goals for the month ahead
- Check back in with the reality of what happened. Hear about each other’s progress, share successes and acknowledge difficulties
This isn’t a programme with defined stages to complete or targets to meet. There is no additional content to consume. You just turn up with your list and get real about doing it. We’ll explore ideas about ways to stay on track.
My work as a coach is person-centred. That means the most important part of your practice is you as a human being. With all the commitments and responsibilities that swirl around you. This group creates a place to put you and your plans in the centre and say them out loud to each other.
Integrate Accountability Group is a series of four live Zoom calls.
These calls are not recorded – whatever is shared stays in the group.
Max 6 people per group.
When you sign up, you commit to joining for the dates listed.
Places cannot be refunded or transferred.
Upcoming dates:
The price is for four group sessions on the dates listed and includes a copy of the Align workbook.
When you book a place you will initially receive an automated email to confirm the transaction.
You will then receive a separate email with more info and a link to download the Align Workbook PDF.