Opposites Refresh
I recently came across the idea that activities which are ‘opposite’ to your work allow the brain to refresh itself. This Linked In post talks about tech execs learning Argentine Tango, and doctors digging their gardens. People with high stress jobs seeking out...
An Artwork as a Recipe – LIVE
Ever get stuck finding the right words to describe your work? In an ideal world, the piece would speak for itself, but inevitably we need to produce statements and write descriptions. Even titles for the work can sometimes be elusive. In a rush to Get The Thing...
This Instagram post from Arianna Huffington a few days ago reminded me that I used to compare my old busy-life to surfing: I can barely swim, I’ve never been on a surf board, and have no interest in trying. But I could see that when life’s going well it’s a state of...
I talk about accountability a lot. What even is that? It’s doing the things you told yourself you were going to do, even if nobody else knows about them. That bit of research, actually reading that lovely book you tracked down last month. I know how hard it can...
Lurking on the list
As we stumble through this first week of January and consider our plans for the year ahead, I wonder how many of us have things lurking on our list that were there last year too. Maybe even longer. This week feels like the time when the gap between the wish list and...
Happy New Year
The calendar says it’s a new year and that brings a whole load of ‘new you’ stuff along with it. Most of us who’ve been around the sun a few times know these dark foggy days in early January really aren't the ideal time to reinvent ourselves. Creative practice likes a...