I hope you will be happy with your purchase from Herding Fish.
A coach helps an individual understand and eliminate barriers to more effective performance and is not there to give advice or provide ‘answers’ or solutions.
There are no guarantees, ultimate responsibility for the success of the work rests on the determination of each participant/client.
Sharon Adams, as part of professional good practice, has regular developmental Supervision. This is contracted as a confidential forum whereby the coach can discuss and explore good practice in relation to their work. Names of clients are not used.
Integrate Accountability Group
The Integrate Accountability Group has been priced to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Bookings cannot be refunded or transferred.
If you are unsure if the group is right for you, please book a Free Call before booking, so we can discuss your expectations in advance.
The group has been designed to offer practical support and encouragement with your artist/maker business/practice.
The aim of this programme is to provide a safe, supportive and challenging space whereby participants can explore their own development.
The sessions are interactive and for reasons of privacy will not be recorded.
Everything discussed during the sessions is confidential and information about other participants should not be shared outside the group.
Live Workshops
Workshops are delivered via Zoom and all efforts will be made to ensure the technology works as expected.
48hrs notice is required to cancel a booking. Online transaction fees will be deducted from any refunded bookings.
Align Workbook
Digital workbooks are not refundable.
Other Questions
Contact Sharon Adams on sharon@herdingfish.co.uk