Herding Fish

coaching for artists and makers

An Artwork as a Recipe – LIVE

25 May 2023

Ever get stuck finding the right words to describe your work?


In an ideal world, the piece would speak for itself, but inevitably we need to produce statements and write descriptions.

Even titles for the work can sometimes be elusive.

In a rush to Get The Thing Done we fall back on tried and tested words and phrases that we chop, shuffle and re-cycle.


This FREE interactive online session will explore ways of describing a piece of your work using parallels with food and cooking.

Using steps and stages commonly found in the structure of a recipe, you’ll be invited to explore a range of different perspectives – raw ingredients, processes, tools and methods.

We’re not aiming to write polished text, but to stimulate how you think about the piece and how you describe it to others.

Following the different prompts, and hearing how others approach those same questions may highlight things you normally take for granted.

Generating ideas could be useful for an application, planning a timeline, or for your next Instagram caption.


An Artwork as a Recipe is available to use in your own time, but the live session brings the opportunity ask questions, and share your explorations with others so you leave with fresh thinking about your work.


WHEN: Thursday 8 June 2023 10-11.30am
HOW: sign up here

PREPARATION: select a piece of your work to write about, and have an image of it to hand that you could share with the group (from your computer or via a link to your website or Instagram)

ON THE DAY: Please join from a laptop/desktop so you can open an a  second browser tab as well as Zoom


Questions? email me sharon@herdingfish.co.uk


This exercise was created as part of a research project supported by Creative Scotland’s Four Nations grant (funded by Arts Councils for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and Creative Scotland). Ruth Singer, Gillian McFarland, Liz Nilsson and Collette Raynor and I explored ideas about artist support over a 12 month period. You can read more about our collective explorations at www.artistsupportrecipes.wordpress.com