Herding Fish

coaching for artists and makers

Integrate Group Coaching Programme

10 March 2022

Over the past 2 years, I think I’ve attended more talks and training than the previous 10 years put together. Lots of great teachers sharing insights about marketing manoeuvres that could change my craft business; leverage the algorithm. But does it really matter how much traction you could get out of learning to use TikTok or Instagram Reels if you’re a bit overwhelmed and can’t quite decide where to start?

In reality, the most effective action is the one you actually do – week in week out. The collection of things that fits into the way you want to live and run your business.


So, in collaboration with Craft NI, I’m offering a pilot group coaching programme for a small group of Northern Ireland makers. If you have a sense of where you’d like your practice to go this year, and you’ve been looking at all the things and wondering how to make them fit into the reality of your everyday life, then Integrate could be for you.

We’re assuming you’ve been making (and selling) for a few years, and now you want to set yourself on a stronger footing. You hopefully know the difference between Pinterest and Instagram, that Facebook and Google would like you to pay to advertise and that the internet is both an opportunity and a threat. We won’t be doing another SWOT analysis. Everyone will start by getting clear on where they are now, where they want to go next. And why.

Integrate won’t be *teaching* you anything new. We’re starting with the reality that you can’t do every possible thing and make work and be a healthy human at the same time. Integrate will help you decide what to focus on this year and what to park for another time. The group will be small, so everyone gets time to speak. To bring the good stuff and the shitty stuff, ask questions, cheer each other on, but mostly to build our  accountability and live up to our own dreams.


The Integrate group coaching programme will meet online monthly from April to November, with a break in the summer. In person can be good, but often the drama of getting home to catch up with yourself displaces the energy. This way, you can take the fire of the group straight back into your real life. No more lurking invisibly in the webinar audience!

For this pilot, Integrate is being fully funded by Craft NI. There’s a short application, deadline 28 March 2022.


UPDATE NOVEMBER 2022: Integrate is now available to book directly in 4 month blocks

Integrate Accountability Group